Baby 4 strings Baby Tampoura


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  • Description

Tampoura / Tampouri – Instrumental model without calabash – 4 strings – tuned in male. The instrumental Tampoura, also called Tampouri, is smaller than the male or female models and traditionally serves to accompany Sitar or Sarode. It can also be used for the work of voice, its small footprint making it a very practical instrument for travel. Completely made of wood, it has a flat bottom box. The table and head are adorned with “bone-like” decorations. The basic chord is the same as the male tampoura, namely: G – C – C – C grave. The pearls placed on the strings, after the easel, allow a very fine tuning of this chord. Dimensions ? Length: 100 cm ? Width: 35 cm ? Thickness: 15 cm ? Sold in its luxury fiberglass rigid transport case, black exterior and red velvet interior. Note: Since these instruments are handcrafted, wood shades and finishes and decorations may vary from one instrument to another. Note that the color of the cover may also vary.

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