CD Indonésie - The music of K.R.T. Wasitodiningrat


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  • Description

Java The music of K.R.T. WASITODININGRAT
performed by Gamelan Sekar Tunjung 1992
K.P.H. Notoprojo, also known as Tjokrowasito, Wasitodipuro, Wasitodiningrat, among other names, (March 17, 1909 – August 30, 2007) was one of the most highly respected performers of Javanese gamelan. He led the Paku Alaman palace gamelan as well as the gamelan for the Radio Republik Indonesia Yogyakarta, and taught gamelan in universities around the world. He was also a noted composer and rebab performer.
On March 9, 2004, he received the Nugraha Bhakti Musik Indonesia Award.

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