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DIAPASON THERAPEUTIQUE - DO 128 HZ Therapeutic tuning fork - C 128 Hz 44,00 
- +
44,00  ×
Native Spirit Vol. 2 Song Book + CD 30,00 
- +
30,00  ×
Neapolitan mandolin in case 590,00 
- +
590,00  ×
Eastman MDO 305 Octave Mandola with Deluxe Gig Bag 1 120,00 
- +
1 120,00  ×
GUITARE JAZZ MANOUCHE ALTAMIRA MD RN Gipsy Jazz guitar Altamira MD 900,00 
- +
900,00  ×
Brass E P N S Manzeera - Medium carving 42,00 
- +
42,00  ×
Klira 60s jazz guitar 350,00 
- +
350,00  ×
Flûte native Sparrow-Hawk La en cèdre aromatique Sparrow Hawk A Aromatic Cedar 230,00 
- +
230,00  ×
Rattlesnakes / Bells of India - 6 cm 35,00 
- +
35,00  ×
DIAPASON THERAPEUTIQUE -SOL 192 HZ Therapeutic tuning fork -G 192 Hz for C & G 58,00 
- +
58,00  ×
Singing bowl stick medium 15,00 
- +
15,00  ×
Bell bracelet / Ghungroo / Salangai - 4 rows 46,00 
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46,00  ×
Koshi Aria chime 44,00 
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44,00  ×
Brass E P N S dorge - Medium model 45,00 
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45,00  ×

Cart totals

Subtotal 3 549,00 

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Total 3 549,00  (includes 533,16  TVA 20.00%)